Reproductive health researcher Anthony Ajayi is optimistic that the recent ruling will compel more African countries to keep pregnant adolescents in school. He unpacks the details of the complaint and what Tanzania has been ordered to do.
AuthorAnthony Idowu Ajayi
Anthony Ajayi is an associate research scientist at the African Population and Health Research Center.
He provides support in evidence generation, through policy review and primary research, program design and implementation in family planning, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Health Sociology from the University of Fort Hare, South Africa (2017), and a Master of Science degree in Demography and Population Studies from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2012). Before joining APHRC, Anthony was a research fellow and a lecturer at the Department of Sociology, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, where he taught research methods from 2017-2019. He has and continues to mentor several postgraduate students. Anthony is driven by the quest to generate evidence that would shape policies, make society more inclusive, and ensure the wellbeing of all. In 2018 and 2019, he was recognized by Publons for placing in the top 1% of global peer reviewers and currently serves on the editorial boards of BMC Public Health and AIDS and Behavior.