The [Zondo] commission’s work will go down in the annals of history as having defined Zondo’s tenacity as a fearless judicial leader. Presiding over the politically charged inquiry saw him lock horns with the former president, who bizarrely questioned his suitability to lead the commission – after he had elected him to the position.
AuthorOmphemetse Sibanda
Omphemetse Sibanda is Executive Dean and Full Professor, University of Limpopo Faculty of Management and Law, University of Limpopo.
He is a doctoral alumnus of the University of North West and its former Extra-Ordinary Professor. He also studies studiedinclude LLM from the Georgetown University Law Center, United States, where he served as the Vice-President of an organisation called Foreign Lawyers At Georgetown (F.L.A.G). Other qualifications include LLB honours and BJuris from Vista University, South Africa. He is an avid scholar whose interests include issues relating to alternative dispute resolution, environmental justice, white collar crime, trade and investment, public interest advocacy, accountability, transformation, equity and diversity. Prof Sibanda has consistently given media opinions and written opinion pieces in the media on matters of public interest.